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Is High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid Absorbed?

Oral Absorption with High Molecular Weight HA


Washington. D.C., April 18, 2004 – A consortium of scientists released clinical research results about oral delivery of radiolabeled Hyaluronan (HA) and its ability to be taken up by joints. Dr. Alex Schauss, Director of AIBMR, presented the findings at the 2004 Experimental Biology conference, conducted by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.

Scintigraphy of dog chest  showing Hyaluronic Acid uptake in bones, joints and salivary glands

Hyaluronan has been used for years in veterinary and human medicine to replace lost joint fluid. The study was led by Dr. Schauss and conducted by a consortium of scientists from the Life Sciences Division of the American Institute for Biosocial and Medical Research Inc. in Puyallup, Washington and the National “FJC” Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, National Institute for Health in Budapest, Hungary. The research was supported by Weider Nutrition International.

“This is the first time Hyaluronic Acid has been reported to be absorbed orally, which paves the way for HA dietary supplements to be introduced and deliver on anti-aging and joint health promises,” said Dr. Luke Bucci, Ph.D., Vice President of Research for Weider Nutrition International.

Until now, there was no data on oral intake and the therapeutic use of hyaluronic acid. The results of this study, which examined the absorption, excretion and distribution of radiolabeled HA after a single oral administration in Wistar rats and Beagle dogs, demonstrated that HA is absorbed and distributed to organs and joints after a single oral administration.

Excerpt from Abstract # 129.4- Absorption, distribution and excretion of 99mtechnetium labeled hyaluronan after single oral doses in rats and beagle dogs

Scintigraphy of rat chest  showing HA uptake in bones, joints and salivary glands

This study examined the absorption, excretion and distribution of radiolabeled hyaluronan (HA) after a single oral administration in Wistar rats and Beagle dogs. High Molecular Weight HA from bacterial fermentation was radioactively labeled with 99-technetium and its oral uptake in rats and dogs was studied. Uptake of HA into the bloodstream (5% of an oral dose) was found, and scintigraphy found uptake of labeled HA into joints (FASEB, 2004). A. G. Schauss, L. G. Balogh, A. G. Polyak, D. G. Mathe, R. G. Kiraly and G. G. Janoki American Institute for Biosocial and Medical Research, Inc and National Institute for Health.

These results demonstrate that HA is absorbed and distributed to organs and joints after a single oral administration.

An abstract with complete research details was published in the April issue of FASEB Journal.
